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Life Program


Sex education is not only sex education but also life education, but its popularity and education are far from enough, what is there for me to do in the face of such a reality?





Reduce the risk of solo female travelers during travel.

User research, Interviewing, MVP, Wireframing, UI design, Prototyping, Video editing, 3D Modeling, Storytelling

Figma, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro
12 Weeks, September 2021 to December 2021

Qi Luo

The Solution

To address this issue and promote sexual education, I have planned an interactive touring exhibition. Simultaneously, I have also designed a software with features such as an exhibition calendar, search, sharing, forums, and messaging, to facilitate online education. Through the exhibition and the accompanying software, my goal is to disseminate sexual education knowledge, enhance public awareness of sexual education, and promote sexual health literacy through a combination of offline exhibitions and online education.

Exhibition: Egg Shell, White and Yolk

This is an innovative exhibition aimed at promoting awareness of sexual education and sexual health. The exhibition metaphorically uses eggs from everyday life to present the core content and importance of sexual education, as well as information related to sexual health, relationships, and self-awareness. Through interactive installations, informative graphics, and multimedia displays, the exhibition aims to help visitors gain a comprehensive understanding of sexual education knowledge and foster sexual health and personal growth.

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Application Feather


Discover knowledge of interest, categorized by different criteria


View and book events near you


Upload and share your experience


Browse expertise and experience sharing


View and modify personal information, booked events and related posts


Scheduled event message push and private message


China Health Statistical Yearbook The number of abortions in China is close to 10 million per year, and if we add the uncounted private clinics, the number is around 13 million cases. Among those who underwent abortions, 47.5% were women under 25 years of age, 49.7% were unmarried women, and 55.9% had more than two abortions.

1. What reality do we need to face?

1.1 Insufficient sexual knowledge

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2 Large number of induced abortions

China Health Statistical Yearbook The number of abortions in China is close to 10 million per year, and if we add the uncounted private clinics, the number is around 13 million cases. Among those who underwent abortions, 47.5% were women under 25 years of age, 49.7% were unmarried women, and 55.9% had more than two abortions.

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1.3 Increase in HIV infection rate

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1.4 Rapid growth in rape cases among minors

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2. What causes all this?

2.1Lack of Widely Accepted Teaching Materials

The latest attempts at teaching materials have been met with controversy and criticism upon release, forcing school authorities to withdraw publication.


​2.2 Lack of Class Time​

Since 2008, bi-weekly sex education classes have gradually faded out of primary and secondary school classrooms. 

​2.3 Lack of Comprehensive Content​

The sparse and one-sided content of sex education perpetuates a bias against sex education from generation to generation.

2.4Lack of Professional Teachers

In Chinese schools, there are no teachers who specialize in sex education, and there is no training system for teachers, so even teachers may be confused about sex education. 

3. How does the new generation of parents view sex education?

During the interviews, it was evident that

1. Most parents have a positive attitude toward sex education.

2. This does not take away from the fact that they still do not know enough about sex education and are not sure how to implement it.

3. Parents also tend to be more interested in the age of receiving sex education than in children.

4. The experts raised the problems faced by the education system and eventually gave the responsibility of sex education for children to social groups.

Design Progress

In the face of such a situation, I chose to work together online and offline to gain parents’ trust through online progress with parents, and then let parents and children step into the offline exhibition together to help children understand themselves better and protect themselves in the process of visiting with parents.

1. Six International Principles

The design of content follows the international standards of Comprehensive Sexuality Education, not just sexuality.

2. Physical Interaction

2.1 Exhibition Hall Inspiration

The exhibition hall takes its inspiration from the embryo and the apple from Adam and Eve. The embryo is the result of the sexual act and the beginning of life, and the apple is the beginning of human intelligence.

2.2 Interactive Games

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These three games correspond to family, communication and self-protection. Family is the outermost protective egg shell, communication is the connecting and cushioning egg white, and self is the central egg yolk.

2.2.1 Family Building Blocks

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Observe the concept of home in the minds of children and convey an understanding of the concept of family.

2.2.2 Communication Scales

Parents can reflect on the way they spend time with their children, and children can learn about proper and effective ways to communicate and learn to express love.

2.2.3 Privacy Awareness


Parents can learn about their children’s understanding of sensitive parts of the body, and children can learn about their sensitive parts and learn to protect themselves.

3. Learning Application lo-fi UI Sketch

Through the application accompany parents to learn the knowledge of children’s sex education to grow together, and at the same time, linking online activities and offline exhibitions to bring a different experience of activities.

4. Learning Application Functional Structure
Final Prototype
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Facing the audience who came to the offline exhibition, this exhibition has two main parts, which are the game area and the reading area. They can play the three games, and also visit the Knowledge Board to share interesting knowledge.

Interactive Game

Family Building Blocks


Communication Scales


Privacy Awareness


During the process of designing this exhibition and application, I faced numerous challenges and issues. Firstly, it was crucial to ensure the accuracy and comprehensiveness of the exhibition content while maintaining its clarity and interactivity. Additionally, it was important to ensure that the information and games provided were acceptable.


Secondly, in designing the application, I needed to strike a balance between user experience and functionality. I aimed to provide a comprehensive tool that included features such as exhibition calendars, search, sharing, forums, and messaging while keeping it simple and user-friendly to avoid overwhelming the users with complex features.


Lastly, sexual education is a sensitive and complex subject that necessitates considering audiences with diverse cultural backgrounds, values, and perspectives. I was dedicated to presenting the exhibition content in an inclusive and respectful manner, ensuring the absence of discrimination against any individual or group, and providing a safe platform for discussions. Recognizing that sexual education is an ongoing process, I understood that the exhibition and application were merely the starting point for facilitating learning and dialogue. By facing these challenges and engaging in reflection, my aim is to better meet the audience's needs and make a more positive contribution to promoting sex education.

©2024 by Qi Luo

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